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Do you offer grooming services?

No, sorry. We ask that nails are taken care of before they join us (if appropriate) and you do not bring your pet to us if they have badly matted fur.

How and when do I pay?

Payment in full is necessary on or before arrival. You can pay by bank transfer before you drop your pet off with us or by cash on arrival by arrangement. We do not accept pets without upfront payment.

What do I need to bring with me?

For all pets please bring with you a supply of their dry food sufficient to last their stay with us and if your pet has a particular preference around bedding please bring a supply of that too (i.e. particular sand for hamsters, teabag bedding etc). For rabbits please also bring their up-to-date vaccination documentation. For hamsters and gerbils please bring their cage ready to be used as we find that they can be sensitive to accommodation changes. You may also like to bring favourite toys or any specialist treats (they will get plenty of other treats too!)

Can I pick-up/drop-off outside of the given times (10am-12pm and 4pm-6pm)?

If we can offer flexibility we will. This very much depends on how busy we are though as outside of the set times we will be cleaning hutches, getting new accommodation ready, letting guests stretch their legs in our supervised runs etc (and having a cuddle and play!) We are unable to welcome new guests when we are doing this. We do not accept new guests after 6.00pm.

Can you give my pet medication?

We do not accept pets that are poorly but understand that your pet may need drops etc for an existing health condition or to finish an established course of medication. If this is the case then you will need to give us clear guidance on what is required - none of us at Little Squeaks Boarding have veterinary experience but we will do our best!

Will my rabbit/guinea pig be able to exercise outside/on fresh grass?

No. All exercise is offered within our purpose kitted out accommodation using a run placed on a vinyl floor. This is so we can thoroughly sanitise the area between different guests using it and so that there is no chance other animals have been in the area that could pass on any issues. This also offers a safe and secure way for your pet to get some exercise away from home.

Will you send me an update/photos?

We will always let you know that your pet has settled in. This will usually be by text a day or two after arrival. Depending on how busy we are and length of stay we will also send you a further update by email or text and post pictures on our Facebook page (unless you would prefer we didn't - please advise if this is the case.) 

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